Mariah and I are going on vacation in a couple days. We will have five days (and four nights) of wandering Ashland, Oregon, and chillin' by the pool, and not worrying about anything else... Maybe I'll try to do some video recording for the YOOOTOOOBS while we're out and about. Perhaps...
Meanwhile, here's a written thingy that I worked on a few days ago. Need to refocus my brain...
current life goals: (written on 27 jun. 2024, although as I post this, the date is 7 July 2024!)
As posted to my NEOCITIES PAGE:
"What are my (our???) long term goals? What do we want out of life? What significant worries am I suffering through? Are there any THINGS that I want? Why do I want them? How will they help, or what will they do to benefit me or Mariah (the BOSS) or our kids or grandkids or the rest of our family? What do I LIKE / ENJOY DOING? What plans can I put into place to make it easier to DO / GET / EXPERIENCE / ACCOMPLISH the wants and desires that I can justify as worthwhile?"
Long term goals:
---Let Mariah retire!!!
---Financial comfort.
---Kids and grandkids happy, healthy, and mentally and physically secure.
---Visit Meow Wolf (Santa Fe AND Vegas.)
---Have a legacy as a creative type humanoid.
Short term goals:
---Don't do too much damage while having fun and enjoying life. (Also a long term goal, sort of.)
---Vacation (have fun, see a show, relax.)
---New computer (for art / video stuff...)
---Read stuff and learn.
What do I/we want out of life??
---Financial stability.
---Happy spouse, kids, and grandkids.
---To leave something like a mark on the world, however negligible.
What significant worries am I suffering with?
---Political bullshit.
---Health concerns (mental and physical) for most of the family.
---General uncertainty.
Are there any THINGS that I want? Why do I want them? How will they help or what will they do to benefit me or Mariah or the fam???
---Food, shelter, transportation and basic life necessities. (Needed for survival.)
---New computer. (Will help in producing creative works, which I might be able to sell or get paid to perform.)
What do I like/enjoy doing?
---Reading books and comics.
---Listening to music.
---Making art.
---Telling stories and jokes.
---Playing games.
---Hanging with the fam, especially when it's chill.
What do WE like/enjoy doing together?
---Seeing shows.
---Listening to music.
---Chilling out.
What plans can I put into place to make it easier to do / get / experience / accomplish the wants and desires that I can justify as worthwhile?
---Make a big list???
---See what Mariah thinks...
Things to think about. MUSE OVER.

Please do not support this DevilHorns nonsense. It is silly and pointless and only worth laughing at...
[That joke isn't funny anymore, but maybe it's funny cuz of how not-funny it is...] ???
I think that's about all I've got for today!
Here's a link back to the HOME PAGE! Don't forget to check out my PATREON so that I don't starve to death! Thanks for stopping by! [7 Jul. 2024]