WTF Day Three!!
Today was my yearly DJ gig, a huge company picnic in Kelso, WA. I'm pretty sure that I've played music for these people for more than 10 years. (That's too long. I'm ready to retire...)

Now THAT is some fancy tech!

I wrote "to" instead of "too" in the note at the top of the above page, and it's driving me crazy!!! ACK!

I'm thinking this might be my FINAL company picnic DJ gig. I'm old and broken and don't like people. The first civilian that I spoke to today (not counting the company folks, who were very kind) came out swinging - yelling at me for having the music too loud. I ASKED the boss-lady in charge of the event to let me know if the music was too loud or too quiet, and she said she would, but before she could make it over to the DJ booth, the ASS-HAT comes up, barking and saying how he'd worked for the company for years, so I should turn the music down... ??? Stupid ass. If he'd just asked me to, I would have happily turned the speakers down. (I was behind the stacks, so I couldn't tell how loud it was in the "SPLASH ZONE.") However, fuck-wad had to be a dick. I already hate being around humans, and he made it worse.
To be completely fair, the REST of the people I spoke to throughout the day (ALL OF THEM) were positive, smiling, and said, "Thanks for music," and stuff like that, so it was just the one negative experience... On my way out, the lady in charge said, "See you next year!" and I didn't contradict her, but I don't know... My equipment is ancient, and not particularly compatible with the professional gear that the rest of the world has. (I even think I fried my iPod trying to get it to hook up to a set of XLR connectors running through a lightning adapter. VERY VERY SAD...) Before I could get my shit to work with the company mixing board, I had to run to a Target and buy a new connector to get my computer to talk to the super fancy, POWERED, mixing board! (That cuts into my "pay check," and now I'll need to try to find another used iPod, since they don't make new ones anymore, but whatever.) I was, eventually, able to play music for folks, and most of them were happy enough, but I'm old and grouchy, and it wasn't all that much fun (anymore...) I like playing music in the backyard much better!
Thanks for stopping by! Hopefully, I'll have more time for ART MAKING tomorrow!
LATER!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
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