WTF Day 21

Dawn of the Day of the Night of the Comet!

Have at you!!!

I've been at home today trying to get my head back in line. One of my goals was to share more of my art. I have a folder on my laptop that had more the 80 items in it this morning waiting to be shown to the online freaks and weirdos... I have a hard time doing the tedious work of actually bothering to SHARE art. It's a BALL to MAKE STUFF... I do that all day just about every day (if I'm not driving!!) But to be honest, SHARING ONLINE is time consuming and boring. And I'm a lazy sod when it comes to WORK...

Today, I DID share some fancy arts (drawings, photography, and even an AUDIO work! GOSH!!!) I used a gallery system that only cost me a few cents to post each piece, and as long as a few people on the planet keep that system going, the artwork will REMAIN AVAILABLE for people all around the world. That's pretty cool, in my opinion. Using a distributed ledger to publish and secure my artwork and make it available for a global audience... It's hard to believe anyone would not think that was pretty awesome!

To check out my art (over twenty-eight HUNDRED pieces), maybe go visit (if you have 20 or 30 minutes to just scroll through...) Here's this link!





Perhaps tomorrow I'll be even MORE productive! (Perhaps not. We'll see...)

LATER!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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Everybody's gotta have a hobby!

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