WTF Day 26...

Howdy PEEPS,

My name is Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) --I seriously need to have the "(Holy Fool)" tag legally added to my name!-- and I'm an old weirdo.

For the last 26 days, I've been forcing myself to generate a new web page each day, with the intention of making 31 new pages in the month of August (2024). So far, I HAVE been able to execute this task. Only five more pages to go!!!

So... What do I think of this project? First, there were several days in which I was busy, tired, and/or just not feeling it, but I forced myself to make at least a LITTLE SOMETHING. What good did this do? To answer this, I'm obligated to explain that I am a recluse and also and artist. This means that I have hundreds and hundreds of works of art (written, drawn, painted, collaged, recorded, sung, compiled, and conjured) (NOT an exaggeration), but because I tend not to go into public very often anymore, most of my creations are UNSEEN by humans in the physical world. However, thanks to the miracles of modern technology, a number of methods of connecting with EYEBALLS (and other sensory organs) have SPRUNG into being through which I can share what I've DONE with the masses (of humans, bots, and other entities). Considering this viewpoint, forcing myself to SHARE every day HAS gotten more of my PRODUCTION into the ELECTRO-SPHERE, but this project has ALSO allowed me to share the sources, influences, and personal amusements that I am drawn to from across the WEBBY-WEB. I can expose the OTHERS to what I'm digging, and that's always cool.

Will I CONTINUE THIS PROJECT INTO SEPTEMBER??? No. Making certain that new material, either recently created or compiled from my unshared back-catalog (or perhaps only shared once, eleven years ago, on a blog that nobody reads), is rewarding, but it's also kinda stressful. In five days, I will have COMPLETED my (self-imposed) August challenge, and I'm pleased with that, but I'm going to take it easier in September. Just try to do some L.I.V.I.N.' (as Woodarson said...)

Ain't that just the way it goes???





More tomorrow!!!

LATER!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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If you're gonna steal...steal from the BEST!

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