Pop Pop Pop!

Home is a happy place. I like being here. Enjoy where you izzzz!

Do what thou wilt cuz why the f*&k not? You know what I'm sayin'...


"Journey into Journal...ing" (19 Sept. 2024) by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Transcripts and photos for my recent journal activities:

[16 Sept. '24]

Felicity stayed home sick today. I will have to modify my day's plans a bit... So far, she is just laying on the couch watching JILLIAN & ADDY.

Timed freewrite: 31 minutes... [GO!!!]

I haven't done a "timed" freewrite in a couple years... Weird... Oh well. Sometimes it can be useful to bring back old tricks... Reordering. My "plan" for a few years (maybe "notion" is more accurate than "plan") was to make CASH-MONEY as an art maker. That hasn't proven to be a lucrative activity. However, I HAVE been able to produce a sizeable body 'o' work...


Certainly nothing wrong with that. (Hard to concentrate on writing when Karl [the cat] is screaming to be let in to the EMPTY bedroom...)

(Mustn't dwell...)

So... I'm pretty good at making stuff that I'm happy with. I'm less good at SELLING what I create.

Honestly, I DO wish I could sell enough ART to help Mariah retire from her work. Right now, I barely sell enough to pay for supplies to make new stuff.

However, I'm proud as a white-washed pig of my creations, AND I'm definitely going to keep going...

I used to write STORIES... (Lament.) My brain is too fragmented to complete a TALE anymore. Instead, I've been creating BIPS... Little sound-bites of glimpses of scenes...

Perhaps returning to a more disciplined approach to creation will lead to more complex works. I don't know...


Sometimes I wonder... Skeptical evil demon.

The fam went to the movies yesterday and watched BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE... We found it rather enjoyable. Actually, we loved it. (Minerva [another cat] scratches chair. [We have EIGHT cats. I am not kidding.])

It might eve be considered inspirational. It was an absurdist, supernatural, horror-comedy... I always imagined that I could create stories in that vein...

Framework: Matrix theory. "We" are living in a simulation, but the "person" (entity) in charge of the simulation is a sick S.O.B. with a nasty sense of humor and an affinity for the weird, nonsensical, and fantastic...

Just like in real life!

I mean, I basically just described myself...

What if I treated my writing like a "broadcast" [pause to let the cat out - Minerva,] and my drawing like animation --- and by that I mean make some simple animation on my tablet using multiple frames... And FRAME my writing as if I were broadcasting to an audience, SNL style... (Am I doing this, already,


just without the "framing" device???)

AND THEN... (Don't lose focus now, dude. You're almost coherent!)

The digital drawing bit should be completely do-able. The "writing" might be better utilized as a "behind the scenes" activity to help my brain make synaptic connections...

Meditation in ink! Let the ink cast a spell...

"Wash away the bad luck until only the good remains..."

So this book is almost toaster-cakedd. I think I'm moving on to that big, hard-cover, super-colorful book that Frank got for me after this...

I'm pretty happy with this exercize. As I mentioned at the beginning, it's been quite a while since I focused myself enough to write more than a sound-bite or two. Putting a series of sentences together to form a more complex thought is NICE... Feels good. I'll keep doing



So my "story frame..." could be a NEWS program. A non-audio "radio show." That might be funny --- of fun. I could even fabricate "callers" with odd stories. This could work...

How to present?? NEWS... Something to ponder... PONDER + PLAN!

That's it! TIME!! 31 minutes!


To do today: [ ] Morning pills [ ] Night pills
[ ] Make bed [ ] Shower
[ ] Freewrite for 31 minutes [ ] Tezos Art
[ ] NEOCITIES [ ] Fold laundry
{[ ] Photograph; [ ] Edit; [ ] Post some postcards!}

I think Felicity is sleeping... (As soon as I wrote that, she started moving aroundon the couch... Figures.)


9:AM. Monday. I'm gonna need to go grab my laptop pretty soon, so that I can post some stuff online. I ALSO need to get a few photos of some postcards and start my "POSTCARD" section of the NEOCITIES' site...


Deeply flawed person...


Lost and found --- floating towards the ground... Mariah is making panko chicken for dinner. I found that delightful, yo...

No more ponies!

MASTER of the Universe...

You are not alone... Not even while you sleep...
He he he he...


[17 SEPT. '24]

In Vancouver. Mariah has some doctor visits today. After the first appointment, we went to FAT DAVE's for some grub. Pretty good stuff. [Plus we got to hear "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash, TWICE, on the jukebox!]

Now, Mariah's kickin' back simulating a nap until the NEXT appointment... I think we can proceed back to the homestead after this...


Wonder what will happen. Wonder if we'll notice. When Michael Jackson died, we were notified by telephone. The times, they are a changin'... Can I fill this book UP before we get home from Vancouver? We shall see...

In one ear and out your umbrella... Phones aren't wanting to connect to any networks...

Here's my "Mariah" impersonation:

"Oh, I'm hot. Are you hot? It's hot."

Me: Rolls window down...

Mariah: "Oh, I'm cold. Don't you think it's getting cold??" REPEAT...

Ssscuzz bucket's are us... FREEZE! Book 'um, Danno...


I believe that she's given up on the "napping" idea.

I just saw a person driving wth ear-buds in their ears. I thought that was illegal. (I don't CARE; I just want to know if I'll get into trouble if I do it... Actually, it's not very safe. Gotta be able to HEAR Death coming. Important stuff...)

SCRATCH AND SNIFF... (Punk band name?)


Robots make louzy Boy Scouts...


Knowing BEFORE knowing! Pretty tricky!

Hiding in the bushes after the fight was over.


Pyramid Power!! Who's to blame?

So far today, I've created a new TikTok, did a new Twitch post, failed a different Twitch post,


drew some stuff, edited/colored/finished some ARTZ, recorded a couple audio bits, AND wrote in this book. Not too shabby. If I could keep up this level of "DOING SHIT" every day...then I'd get some shit DONE!!! Good pen! So much to do!


Jabber jabber. Is that what people want?

My "job" wouldn't be very fulfilling if I spent all of my time and energy trying to give people what they "want." (DJ gigs prove this!)

"HEAVEN" by Psychedelic Furs... Good tune.

AUDIO-VIDEO... Scanners. Boom goes that dudes head.

I think Mariah DID fall asleep for a few seconds... Whose fault was THAT... REST + RELAXATION...


Totally tubular, dude. Slip-slidin' away... Whose side are you on??? Nobody move, nobody gets hurt... Slime Creatures from OUTER SPACE!


I've never been much of a fan of BROWN. Give me hot pink or dark blue or fluorescent orange or metallic flake red...or GLOW-IN-THE-DARK light green. NONSENSE colors. Brown is too practical for my taste... (Can we bond over spilt milk?)


By the way, my color talk above is 100 percent about pigment usage in artistic media, NOT a sly comment on racial prejudice. I shouldn't HAVE to say that, but in our "POST-TRUTH" world, it's important to be clear...


Six more pages to go. I set an alarm on my phone to wake Mariah up when it's time to go in for her appointment. BEEP! BEEP! Screech! HIGH Noon...

None of it made much sense to me. That's fine. I don't have to UNDERSTAND something to enjoy it... Right?

Discomfort. Ambiguity. FEAR. Potatoes...

The four horse-ingredients of the APOCALYPSE...

TVC-15 Bowie RULEZ!

Fragments of the NEVER-AFTER

Before and Beyond and Not!

Sometimes, it rains on SUNday... Weird, right? SATURDAY NIGHT, SATURDAY NIGHT...

So... Mariah has already gone in for her appointment, and that means I will NOT be able to fill this book before we head back to Longview. But that's okay. I [gave] it a good try!! Weeee!!!


[18 SEPT. '24]

POE TAY TOED! Hopefully, I'll get some sleep tonight. Heat pad seems to be working... Nifty? (The evening coffee should help me sleep tonight, right?)


[18 Sept. '24]

Tomorrow, which is Thursday, I think, I want to make an audio show. Collage? Noise? Some.

I just love sharing tunes. Is audio on Objkt the best way?? Talking is good, too --- plus noises. Just fun shit!


[19 SEPT. 2024] - Thursday

I've got a concept for an audio thing for today... I also want to post a bunch of ART... WE ARE SPOOPS...

FlASH! Chocolate. Inner nose.

All about the Benjamins...


You be me for a while, and I'll be you... or something...


Not a Monday, but it feels like one.


This book became my "Official" journal back in June of this year. Here we are in mid/late September, and this thing is right on the verge of being filled. Four months, give-or-take...

My next journal is a big, no-line, freaky-colorful, hardcover, spiral bound, sketch pad. I wonder how long it will take to fill THAT up? I've also had some trouble with spiral bound books losing pages, but this new one has thick paper, so I'm not too worried...


Have you ever had to push push push push (Car Trouble...) Yes. Yes we have...


Things to do today:

[ ] Make bed [ ] Fold laundry [ ] Audio thing
[ ] Music program [ ] NEOCITIES (Maybe)
[ ] TikTok [ ] Tezos Arts [ ] Freewrite

Things to do EVENTUALLY:

[ ] Photo Postcards --> [ ] Start Postcard / MailArt on NEOCITIES
[ ] Scan a million receipts
[ ] Giant LINKS page on NEOCITIES


Thoughts on technology and communication and connecting and art and identity... Like the South Park "Trapper Keeper" episode... Outer based mentality. "Our" personal identity moves far beyond our physical bodies... (Where is Terror Ted?)


Time is a limited (and uncertain) element.

---I have fears of online collapse - "bit rot" - and my "legacy" slipping away...

I wonder if I should write a full script for this or just jabber...



Where is my mind?? It's all over the place...


The world moves on.


I have fantacies of building a gigantic network of cobbled 2-gether bits and bobs that holds all of my creative works AND favorite works of OTHERS and somehow keeps it all alive and moving EVEN AFTER I'm gone... (DOES THIS MAKE ME AN EVIL VILLAIN WITH A NEFARIOUS PLAN? That would be SO COOL!)



Krung! My fastideous visitor, thanks for the visit! Hopefully, you'll not hate me after today! If so, please contact your government representative and ask them to send some apporiate stickers to your home. That should help...

Am I right?


Do that dance and shake that body!!! And don't forget to...

LATER!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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My TWITCH Channel
My BLUESKY Profile

Here's a link back to the HOME PAGE! Don't forget to check out my PATREON so that I don't starve to death! Thanks for stooopping by! [19 Sept. 2024]