9 Dec. 2024 - Not sure how you're doing, but I suffer from some serious anxiety... Like HEAD EXPLODING, brain locks up, terror and nightmares anxiety. FUN! Luckily, I found ARTZ (some find Jeebus, some find cults, some find a bunch of money from a rich relative... BUT I found artz...) Find your path, and color it however you want!
In a post-Truth world, I'm going to find some good books, some blankets, a nice root beer or two, and hybernate until the world makes sense again. I'll probably send my physical body out into the world for supplies from time to time, but the REAL me will be indisposed until Spring (2025 or 2026...)
The parade was pretty fun, even if I didn't really watch much of it. Felicity had a ball diving into the soaking wet street to snag candy tossed from the floats. It was pretty entertaining watching HER have fun, though... Plus, it's always worthwhile to hang with Mariah and the kids...
[Below, I will share some of my favorite memes and stolen images. THEIF!!! I didn't make these and I don't own them. The majority are from a variety of FaceBoot groups. It's not about making dough. I just enjoy these images and want more folks to see them. If you REALLY want to know where I found these, send me a note, and I can share the image tags with ya. I'm not trying to take credit, just lazy... Ha!]