The Whales continue to sing!

20 May 2024

You'll be surprised to know that I haven't given up on this website thing, yet. Yesterday, instead of making internet bullshit, I made the bed, folded laundry, listened to some people speak to each other on FARHOUSE (at Stellabelle's gathering point,) went outside, and sat under a gazebo in the backyard during a hail storm. It was all very exciting.

Today, I have ALSO made the bed. (Incredible.) Then, I tried to produce a live stream on YoooTooobs of me rambling into the webcam on my laptop, but I couldn't get the camera to connect with the streaming software (or something), and then my laptop froze. Pretty standard, right? Some day, I'll figure out how to make stuff work. Probably...

Anyway, here's a link to the YoooTooob thing that I TRIED to do. It has some comments that I posted. The idea of doing something LIVE sounds fun. I know that I don't have an AUDIENCE for live shit, but that's okay. I can pretend. I've VERY good at pretending: FAILURE!


Here's a link that will let you go back to page one: Page ONE. If you like, you can think of it as HOME BASE!

OR you can continue on to PAGE FOUR


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