In which I read and review a bunch of comics and zines and magazines and stuff, and then decide if I liked it enough to keep it and read it again or conclude that someone ELSE might enjoy it more than I do, and therefore agree to trade it to a person who wants it and is willing to trade me for a different thing!
A long time ago, I tried to review some comic books on Patreon (I think I reviewed 15: took a look at THIS LINK to see if I remembered the correct number.)
Now, as of 2025, I have decided that I enjoy reading stuff again, so I'm going to redo my KEEP or NOT FOR ME project HERE on NEOCITIES, which is a wonderful place! (Or PLATFORM. I mean, there is a physical place where the NEOCITIES' servers are located, maybe a few of them - I do not know... Anyway...) So, I'm going to read a bunch of stuff, write some mini-reviews of those things, share them HERE on NEOCITIES, and keep a list of the stuff I'm willing (and ready) to trade away. If you want one (or more) of these listed items, we will find a way to send a personal message to each other and exchange postal information (always use a fake address / drop spot, to keep the BOTS off your tail...) I will get rid of something I don't have room for, you will get a book or mag or zine or whatever to read, and I will get ANOTHER, DIFFERENT thing that I really don't have room for! (HA!) Honestly, I just like reading weird stuff, so I'm looking forward to people trading some indie / alternative / underground / punk / absurdist / weirdo books with me that I've never heard of. We live in a great time...
AND, below, is the list of STUFF that I've read and reviewed, SO FAR!!!! Groovy? Yeah...

---0001 - The Weasel Patrol #1 (1989)
Thanks for stopping by, and make sure to read a COMIC!!!

LATER!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
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Here's a link back to the HOME PAGE! Don't forget to check out my PATREON so that I don't starve to death! Thanks for stooopping by! [9 Jan. 2025]