Deep Breathing and Braindamage

---By RICHARD F. YATES (Holy Fool)---

Started 17 May 2024. I will update stuff from time to time. Beware...

Most recent update was: 21 Jun. 2024 !

I want a place where I can do whatever I want without worrying about following other people's rules. (PUNK!) There was a time when the internet was just people talking about whatever they wanted, and there weren't AS MANY folks trying to interfere with an individual creator's self expression! Is that type of experience completely gone now? I don't know. There ain't no moderators here (except me, and I'm easily bribed.) You should totally support my PSYCHO-PNEUMATIC efforts by checking out the official HOLY FOOL Patreon Page!

Meanwhile, I have assembled the following nightmares and dreamscapes... Astrally project yourself to them and experience some PSYCHIC HAUNTINGS!!! GOSH!

Bands and performers who rule!

Keep checking back for more STUFFFFF!!!!! (And make sure you visit my PATREON PAGE or the bad guys will take over the world!!!)